
Completed the Geisha

I finished my embroidered geisha girl. I now want to add the lanterns to either side of her. I played around with stitches and colors with this one, and Im fairly happy with it. Bug wants me to frame it for her, but I dont think its up to framing standards, personally.

I was lucky enough to score some sKnitches yarn during her last update. I got the Big Tryst in Tapestry and it arrived today. I love it. Its so soft and squishy. I might make a beret with it. Ive seen a few cute patterns on Ravelry made with sock yarn and I really like them. And an oversized beret would be nice in the winter, to keep the head warm but not smoosh the spikey hair. I started a beret at the request of my cousin for her upcoming birthday and have discovered the versatility of the them and now have a feeling I will be knitting a couple more.


Iron Needles said...

Your embroidery is very cool. I, too, like the geisha very much. (note to self: remember to tell Dearest (and embroidering) sister about your stuff.)

Nicole said...

I love your embroidery work. I've played around with it some. . . looking at your stuff makes me want to get mine back out! By the way. . . I'm just starting my journey of becoming a nurse! I'm really looking forward to it.