
More Stitchy Goodness

Embroidery has been my thing the last couple weeks. I do this - go through phases of what interests me most. Also, bug keeps asking me to do more and different designs on her t-shirts and stuff. I have found some great free patterns online. This first one is by Andrea Zuill and it, as well as many more can be found on her blog: Bad Bird. The second design is a Kurt Halsey design made for Sublime Stitching and I put it on a cotton t-shirt for the bug.


Anonymous said...

Cute! I would love to learn to embroider (sp?) but it looks to tedious for me :P

Becka said...

Too cute!
Hey, I met you thru the new Ravelry group, the comment train....so I thought I'd pop in and say HEY!

k said...

Hey- the moderator of the new Comment Train Group on Ravelry! Love all the embroidery! They are so adorable! i have this same problem(or is it a good thing?) of jumping from crafty thing to crafty thing every few weeks!

Brody Knits said...

Found you through the ravelry group, comment train and just love that poodle. You do great work. I hope to learn to do that some day.

Pirk said...

Your stitches look good! I just started a few weeks ago, in a New stitch on Tuesday group. I am now two weeks behind, due to some sock knitting craze.
I like the little doggies.

Deb said...

Adorable embroidery. I used to love embroidery - back in the days when I could see! Now it's too small for my eyes.

Tamera Janneff said...

Very cute; I love the bottom pic; it's a little angel!

Caps said...

Comment Train dropped me off here...

CUTE embroidery. Um, is that a garden gnome? Because I'm somewhat obsessed with garden gnomes. I love it! Must have one just like it.

Jen in FL said...

you're stitching is lovely. I never did get into embroidery, but maybe I'll try again. :-)

Dk's Wife said...

Oh my goodness that poodle below is rocktastic! :)

m said...

The angel is precious. I am part of the "comment train". Love your work.

misfitknits said...

ravelry blog train!! i hate to comment on the same post as everyone else, but i LOVE LOVE LOVE bad bird and the kurt halsey embroidery patterns *well, i'm a sublime stitching ADDICT!!!* anyways, your embroidery is really great, great talent!!

Jillian said...

So cute! My embroidery skills definitely need improving. You may just have given me the nudge I needed !

Thanks for the comment on the blog - we are seriously considering keeping the puppy... and yes, I did make your sloths : )

Amber said...

Your daughter on the pony is adorable! Horseback riding is a great thing for kids. Teaches responsibility, gives them goals and a focus, not to mention it is exercise. I hope she keeps it up. Don't worry, my mom survived my horsey childhood, it isn't easy but it is possible!

Your hoodie turned out nicely!